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Mobility Scooter Rental - Good things to know about Mobility Scooter Rental

MOBILITY SCOOTER RENTAL - Good things to know! By: Michael Roberto


Currently Florida is perhaps arguably the most compliant place you’ll find that is in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and mobility scooter rental Orlando is everywhere! Now generally speaking, the overall accessibility you will experience here using mobility scooters will vary (as disabilities usually do) from within park to park and attraction to attraction. Some attractions even have special entrances for guests using a wheel chair or mobility scooter, and their requirements can vary just as disabilities do. 


Unfortunately the employees of the parks are no longer able to completely assist in your transfer from a mobility scooter to supplied wheelchair or ride system directly. This is not due in any way to the extremely helpful and caring people that most parks employ. They just can no longer help individuals using a mobility scooter, or wheel chair in any kind of need due to our litigious society. Certain parks’ verbiage has something akin to “employees may help balance, but not assist, in lifting of any kind from a wheelchair or mobility scooter. That can only be one’s own party member.”


Dining, shops, and restrooms are generally all ADA compliant for mobility scooter access. NOTE: Some fast-food queues and shop aisles may be too narrow for scooters, so just ask for assistance. Parades/performances/shows have designated disability sections for guests using wheelchairs and mobility scooters and their parties. 

It should also go without saying that, inherently, “action” and “water” parks are probably not the best type of attraction if you’re relying solely on a mobility scooter rental. 


Here’s another friendly reminder to ALWAYS plug in your mobility scooter rental to charge the batteries overnight, EVERY NIGHT, regardless what the power meter says.


Your Mobility Scooter is probably equipped with an energy saving automatic power down timer feature designed to preserve your mobility scooters battery life. If you mistakenly leave the key in the key switch and in the “on” position but do not use your mobility scooter for approximately 20 minutes, the mobility scooters controller shuts down automatically. Although the controller is shut down, power will still be supplied to the mobility scooter’s lighting or charging system. If this power down timer feature does take effect, perform the following two steps to resume normal operation: STEP 1: Remove the key from the key switch and STEP 2: Re insert the key and power up your mobility scooter.


Whenever the mobility scooter is stopped (even when it’s shut off) the brake automatically kicks in, thus preventing further momentum roll, or back roll. When you use the throttle (either going forward or backwards) the brake will automatically release. You may notice a split second delay each time before movement; this is completely normal and is for your safety. 


Although your mobility scooters top speed is about 5 mph, however the average speed people walk is 2-3 mph, (perhaps slower if admiring the scenery, or strolling leisurely). In order for you to maintain position with members of your party, you can adjust the speed manually by first going forward at full speed, then slowly dial back (counter clock wise) until you are at the desired pace.


The Gold Mobility Scooters knowledgeable and friendly staff is available for any specific questions you may have by calling 407-414-0287 or check out the frequently asked questions on their website at

Michael Roberto